The Haas Center welcomes proposals (up to $12,000) for new or revised academic courses for Autumn, Winter, Spring quarters in 2022-23 that involve students in community engaged learning projects focused on racial justice.
The Haas Center welcomes proposals (up to $12,000) for new or revised academic courses for Autumn, Winter, Spring quarters in 2021-22 that involve students in community engaged learning projects focused on racial justice.
The purpose of this grant is to support the development of curriculum materials focused on the ethics of community engagement. Instructors are invited to submit proposals of up to $6,000.
The Haas Center welcomes proposals (up to $12,000) for new or revised academic courses for Winter, Spring or Summer quarters in 2021 that involve students in community engaged learning projects focused on racial justice.
This program is intended to complement and extend existing leave/sabbatical opportunities, providing 1-4 quarters of support for PI-eligible faculty for placements in public sector agencies and nonprofit organizations on problems of mutual interest