This opportunity does not have a specified deadline.
Cardinal Courses are part of Cardinal Service, a university-wide initiative to elevate and expand service as a distinctive feature of a Stanford education. A Cardinal Course engages students in projects and partnerships in the community that address social or environmental challenges.
We look forward to helping you connect students with community through advising, course design, and funding.
Program priorities
Engage with a community to address a social problem or societal need
Produce reciprocal benefits for students, faculty, and community partners
Integrate course objectives and community-based experiences
Provide opportunities to critically examine public issues
Embody Stanford's Principles of Ethical and Effective Service
All instructors may apply for a Cardinal Course grant.
Instructors who are awarded grants must commit to surveying students and community partners on their experiences, submitting photos and excerpts from student assignments and/or community partner feedback, and completing a brief financial report at the course’s conclusion.
We recommend meeting with a member of the Community Engaged Learning Team before submitting a grant application. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis leading up to each quarter.
Maximum funding amount:
How can the funds be used?
Community Engaged Learning Coordinator salaries
Refreshments that build and celebrate relationships with community partners
Required student transportation, such as visits to a community partner, trips to procure necessary supplies, or off campus meetings conducted as part of a project
Supplies and materials needed to produce class projects of direct benefit to a community partner
Honoraria for community partners that serve as co-instructors or are otherwise critical to the quality of the course and student experience