$50,000 total cost to support a 1-year pilot project.
Academic Council Faculty
Medical Center Line Faculty
Applications closed
Applications closed on January 12, 2024
Approximate Offer Date:
July 1st, 2024
Application Deadline – Friday, January 12, 2024 at 5:00 PM PT (Phase 1 applications)
The Longevity, Equity, and Aging Research CoNsortium (L.E.A.R.N.) is an expansion of the SAGE Center into a multi-organizational healthy aging research consortium that seeks to advance longevity and quality of life for multicultural older adults. We are funded by the Stanford University School of Medicine, the National Institute on Aging, the State of California, and other sources.
Ideal applicants are a diverse cohort of early career faculty members with appointments at any of the seven schools on Stanford campus, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto University, and in any academic or research non-profit institution in the United States and its outlying territories. Applicants must have a terminal degree (e.g., MD, PhD, MD/PhD) and wish to incorporate some aspect of behavioral and social science into their proposed project.
Phase 1 applications must be submitted using our online form in Qualtrics: https://tinyurl.com/Stanfordhealthyaging. Applicants will be notified by January 19, 2024 regarding whether they are invited to submit a Phase 2 application.
Please note that only applications submitted through the Qualtrics form will be considered; we will not be monitoring applications submitted through Stanford Seed Funding. Please refer to the full description of the pilot grant program as well as a list of key deadlines on our website: https://aging.stanford.edu/call-for-applications-2024/
All projects must:
Include a focus on longevity, equity, and healthy aging research.
Use an innovative methodology, such as machine learning approaches, precision medicine, virtual reality, digital interventions, and wearables in the field of longevity, equity, and healthy aging research.
Include at least one Specific Aim that focused on socio-cultural and bio-behavioral research. The L.E.A.R.N. leadership will help you with constructing this component (please contact us to discuss before submitting a Phase 1 application).
Maximum funding amount:
How can the funds be used?
Each award is up to $50,000 total cost. The funding period is for 1 year (7/1/2023–6/30/2024). We encourage applicants to budget funds for travel to the annual Gerontological Society of America annual meeting.