The Seed Grants will fund innovative, interdisciplinary research projects proposed by Stanford faculty in the neurosciences broadly defined. We consider interdisciplinary seed grant research projects to involve at least two independent co-PI's who use different methodologies/approaches and/or work in different disciplines. The collaborators should combine their expertise in an innovative fashion to address important problems in basic and clinical neuroscience. Wu Tsai encourages three strategic interfaces between neuroscience and other bastions of disciplinary strength at Stanford: 1) engineering and the quantitative sciences, 2) chemical and molecular biology, and 3) the social sciences, humanities and professional schools of education, law and business.
This year, the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute Seed Grant program will award grants for up to $200,000 each ($100,000/year for 2 years).
Teams of at least 2 Stanford faculty with PI eligibility [those with tenure line (UTL), medical center line (MCL) or research (NTLR) faculty appointments] may submit a letter of intent. Co-PI's should use different methodologies/approaches and/or work in different disciplines.
Clinician Educator (CE) Faculty at the rank of clinical assistant professor and above who are full-time Stanford employees with 100% CE faculty appointments are eligible to apply for seed grants. No waiver is required. Clinical Instructors in the Clinician Educator (CE) line are not eligible to apply.
Each PI may participate in only one letter of intent.
The proposed project should be new, and should have the potential to generate data that can be used for grant applications to extramural funding sources in neuroscience fields.
Proposals that involve disciplines outside traditional basic and clinical neuroscience (e.g. law, education, business, public policy) are encouraged.
The Seed Grant LOI must be submitted online by the deadline: March 15, 2021, 5:00 pm Pacific Time. The online LOI application will only be visible during the application period of February 1 through March 15, 2021.
Each LOI must have at least 2 co-PIs. Each LOI should have one Communicating co-PI. The communicating co-PI serves as the point of contact for the project and is responsible for submitting the online application.
A complete online application consists of:
Completed form for general information about the communicating co-PI and the collaborating co-PI(s).
One to two page description of the project goals, the individuals and disciplines involved and the impact of the project on neuroscience.
A short (1 paragraph) description of how your team will contribute to diversity, inclusion, belonging, equity and justice at Stanford.