VPDoR $50,000 Propel Grant - 2024 Autumn Cycle
The Stanford Research Development Office (RDO), a unit within VPDoR, supports Principal Investigators (PIs) throughout the proposal development process. To improve the competitiveness of large and complex external funding proposals, RDO invites applications for Propel Grants, which fund the final stages of proposal preparation.
Purpose and Scale
Propel Grants support the final stages of proposal development for collaborative, often complex proposals in response to large external funding opportunities, enhancing the proposal’s competitiveness. Eligible projects must go “beyond the usual” norms in their field in terms of scope, budget, or team size. These opportunities often involve interdisciplinary partnerships tackling major societal or research challenges.
Suitable projects span various disciplines. In STEM, large team grants such as NSF Science and Technology Centers, DOE Energy Frontier Research Centers, NIH P50, NIH U54, and similar. In the arts, humanities, or social sciences, examples include collaborative grants such as NEH Collaborative Research Grants, NEA Grants for Arts Projects, and some Mellon grants. This list is not exhaustive.
Propel Grants require established teams to have completed preliminary work and plans to apply for external funding within 12 months. They do not fund initial team formation, concept development, or early-stage data collection. Instead, they strategically position teams for success in upcoming external funding opportunities.
We recognize that large, complex grants often require extensive preparation even before a call is released or may involve multiple proposal stages. Propel Grants can advance your efforts when the external funding opportunity is anticipated with a deadline in the next 12 months or when moving from a preliminary to a full proposal, particularly if highlighting progress or results between the proposal stages would be beneficial.
Eligible applicants include Stanford faculty with PI status (Academic Council members or UML faculty). School of Medicine applicants must have co-PIs from other Stanford schools.
Eligible proposals must focus on preparing applications for large, collaborative, and multi-disciplinary funding opportunities. Proposals aimed at single-investigator projects or specified, circumscribed research efforts will not be considered.
Priority is given to Stanford-led teams and for projects that:
- Involve faculty partnerships across two or more Stanford schools.
- Include team members from diverse or underrepresented backgrounds.
- Engage disciplines with limited internal grant support.
- Strengthen collaboration between Stanford and SLAC.
VPDoR is committed to creating an environment that values and embraces diversity; applications from individuals from minoritized communities are particularly encouraged. RDO will award a portfolio of Propel Grants representing Stanford's diversity and breadth of scholarly areas.
Grant Supported Activities
Propel Grant activities should focus on fine-tuning the external proposal, solidifying collaborations, and addressing specific gaps. These activities allow teams to make targeted improvements and should be completed during the final stages of proposal development to illustrate the project's feasibility, significance, and impact, thereby increasing its competitiveness. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Accessing archives and databases.
- Conducting additional, desirable research experiments (not initial, core preliminary data).
- Engaging with stakeholders.
- Hiring consultants in specialized areas such as ethics, data analysis, or project management.
- Hiring research assistants for critical proposal development related work.
- Implementing a triangulation protocol.
- Implementing advanced statistical or computational techniques to analyze existing data.
- Organizing workshops or meetings to strengthen collaborations and project buy-in.
- Performing additional data analysis.
- Conducting questionnaires and surveys.
- Travel for site visits.
The Propel Grant may be used to cover administrative costs directly related to Propel Grant-funded activities, such as hiring a student worker or support staff to organize events or prepare for the external grant submission.
Up to $5,000 of the Propel Grant can be budgeted for proposal document development/beautification:
- Conducting an expert review of the proposal draft.
- Coordinating a proposal writing day to address feedback from mock review panels.
- Engaging professional grant writers or science communicators to ensure the proposal is persuasive, clear, and accessible to interdisciplinary or non-expert reviewers.
- Hiring a graphic designer or scientific illustrator for key proposal graphics or branding.
All applicable university fees apply. Propel funds may be used to cover these fees (e.g., fees for Visiting Student Researchers, shared facility hourly rates, dedicated computing resources on Sherlock, Oak monthly storage, etc.).
Large Propel Grants with budgets above $5,000 are reviewed twice a year. Exceptions to the deadlines may be requested under certain circumstances. Please see the FAQs for more information.
Application Due |
Grant Starts |
End-of-Grant Report Due |
Autumn Cycle |
October 14, 2024 |
December 2, 2024 |
January 14, 2026 |
Spring Cycle |
April 2, 2025 |
May 19, 2025 |
June 17, 2026 |
All applications will be reviewed to determine whether the requested amount is reasonable and essential for completing the Propel Grant activities. Applicants are encouraged to limit their requests to only what is necessary for these activities. The external funding opportunity's budget is expected to be substantially higher than the Propel Grant request.
Large Propel Grant applicants may request a University Research Award up to $50,000 in direct costs for up to 12 months.
Smaller budget requests are welcome and appreciated. In exceptional cases, higher budget requests may be considered if a clear and substantiated need is demonstrated.
Review Process and Criteria
Reviewers should be confident that your team has a high level of readiness and will be well-positioned to apply for external funding opportunities upon completion of the proposed Propel Grant activities. All applications receive a programmatic review by RDO staff for compliance and programmatic fit.
Large Propel Grant applications may undergo peer review to assess the application, focusing on the significance, feasibility, and overall potential for funding success of the proposed research.
All applications will be screened based on the following criteria:
- The research idea is likely to be compelling to external sponsors.
- The proposed project goes "beyond the usual" for the discipline in terms of scope, budget, or team size.
- The proposed project for external funding has an established foundation with existing preliminary work.
- The team demonstrates a collaborative partnership. (Large Propel Grants only)
Proposed Activities
- The proposed Propel Grant activities will enable a competitive proposal to an external funding agency and increase the likelihood of success in securing external funding. Learn more about what makes a successful grant application on the RDO website.
- Appropriate Budget
- The budget is reasonable and reflects essential activities that address the stated needs.
- The requested amount justifies the Propel Grant investment in comparison to the external funding opportunity.
- The application conveys an achievable research design/approach for the Propel Grant activities.
- The Propel Grant activities can be implemented within the proposed timeline and budget.
- The team is cohesive and possesses sufficient expertise to conduct the research successfully.
Potential for External Funding
- The team will be ready to submit a well-aligned proposal to an external funding agency by the end of the Propel Grant period and has a backup plan if necessary.
Application Format
Each application should be uploaded as a single PDF via the VPDoR Internal Awards Portal.
Propel Grant reviewers will be from different academic fields or subfields than your own. It is highly recommended that you write your application so a wide academic audience can easily understand it and provide sufficient detail to demonstrate feasibility.
Font size must be 11 pt or larger with 1-inch margins on all sides. Large Propel Grant applications are limited to 7 pages (including any figures and excluding references).
Please include the following sections:
Research idea for the external proposal
- Define the problem or need: Describe the problem or need your research aims to address.
- Propose a solution: State the research idea that addresses the problem or need identified above. This idea should form the basis of your proposal for external funding.
- Describe how the project fits the program: Clarify how the research idea aligns with the Propel Grants’ purpose. Emphasize how the proposal goes “beyond the usual” for your field or discipline.
Propel Grant activities
- Provide the context of the current stage of the research project or any preparations made.
- Describe the activities the Propel Grant funds will support, along with the timeline, milestones, and intended outcomes.
- Explain how the proposed activities will enhance the competitiveness of the proposal to an external funding agency.
Team composition
- List the members’ names, titles, and departments (or institutions if external to Stanford), indicating which are confirmed or proposed.
- Describe the collaboration status and readiness level, emphasizing any prior work in preparation for the external proposal.
- If applicable, describe aspects of diversity within the team.
External funding plan
- Describe the plan to apply for external funding within the next 12 months, identifying at least one potential external grant. Proposing an alternative funding opportunity or backup plan is encouraged.
Include the following details on the targeted external grant(s).
- External sponsor name.
- Program name or identifier.
- External sponsor deadline.
- The expected budget request for the targeted external opportunity.
- URL to the funding solicitation if available.
- Explain why the targeted external grant award amount warrants the Propel Grant.
Budget* and justification
- Include a detailed table or breakdown of estimated expenses of the Propel activities.
- Provide a rationale for the requested funds, indicating any existing support and addressing potential overlaps.
- For budgets exceeding $50,000, include a narrative demonstrating the additional need that aligns with the project's scale and complexity.
Appendices (optional and do not count towards any page limits)
- References
- PDF of the targeted external funding opportunity solicitation(s)
*Proposed budgets do not need institutional representative review for this internally funded program; however, we highly encourage applicants to work with their department administrator/financial analyst on budget development.
Award Reporting Requirements
- Survey/report: Large Propel Grant recipients will be expected to (a) submit an initial report at the end of the grant period describing what was accomplished or lessons learned, and (b) complete a survey one year after the award period describing the impact and outcomes of the Propel Grant activities.
- Notification: Teams should notify RDO if the Propel Grants contributed to a noteworthy outcome, or if any external funds were received, for up to two years after receiving the award.