Training Program in Protein Expression and Purification, and Biophysical and Structural Analysis of Biological Macromolecules
For complete details about this opportunity, please visit the Sarafan ChEM-H website.
To encourage more Stanford researchers to engage in structural biology and train them to better produce, purify, and characterize proteins, the Macromolecular Structure Knowledge Center (MSKC) at Sarafan ChEM-H is accepting proposals from Stanford scientists who would like to start or enhance a protein characterization project in their lab. Selected projects will receive personalized, hands-on training in a state-of-the-art facility and up to $7,500 in matching funds towards the project.
Each application must identify one Principal Investigator (Stanford faculty with UTL, UML, NTLR and CE faculty appointments; Instructors; and Clinical Instructors are all eligible) and one Primary Researcher (an undergraduate student, graduate student or postdoctoral scholar, clinical or non-clinical, in a Stanford lab). PI waivers are not required for this program.
Proposals should be submitted on Slideroom by 11:59 pm on Friday, February 24, 2023:
Overview and program goals
The objective of the MSKC Training Program is to encourage the exploration of new protein projects by working directly with researchers on protein production, purification, and biophysical analysis, and up to three-dimensional structure methodologies. The aim is for training personnel coming from different fields of research, regardless of background, to generate pilot data, in support of three-dimensional structure-related research, in early phase investigations, and preliminary data in support of research proposals for external funding agencies. MSKC makes tools available to awardees to advance protein projects from ideas to reality, from a sequence on paper to a high-quality sample for any downstream application. Each proposal should highlight the transformative potential the protein project would have on your research. Additionally, projects in support of existing three-dimensional structure-related research areas, early phase investigations, and preliminary data for extramural proposals will be given priority. Basic research directed towards protein characterization is highly encouraged.
Support provided
Support will be provided in the form of one-on-one training and access to instrumentation at each stage of the protein production, purification, crystallization, and characterization, including:
- Hands-on protein production using the E. coli recombinant expression system and purification supported by chromatographic methods via Akta Pure Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC).
- Biophysical analysis, protein structure stability and oligomerization, and ligand binding affinity measurements through NanoTemper Panta and Monolith Labelfree instruments.
- Advanced three-dimensional structure methodologies supported by Douglas Instruments, Formulatrix, and synchrotron macromolecular crystallography (MX) via SSRL/SLAC.
In addition, matching funds of up to $7,500 will be provided.
Each application submission will include the following application materials:
- Project Summary (200 words)
- A non-confidential, 200-word summary of the project, focusing on the motivation and goals of the project. This should be written with a lay audience in mind. This may be used on the Sarafan ChEM-H website or in other public-facing documents.
- Research Proposal
- Details below
- Letter of acknowledgement
- The application must include a signed letter from the Principal Investigator acknowledging that:
- They will financially support the project to at least match, and if necessary exceed, any funding provided through this opportunity.
- They will support the designated Primary Researcher in working in the MSKC for the duration of the project.
- They will supply any consumables or other supplies not readily stocked in the MSKC.
- The application must include a signed letter from the Principal Investigator acknowledging that:
You do not need to submit your applications to your Research Process Manager (RPM) in RMG or through your Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) Contract and Grant officer (CGO) for their approval at this time.
Note that we will require a final report at the conclusion of the project and request you to inform us of any publications, patents, presentations, and additional funding that result from this program in the future.
Research Proposal Structure
Proposals should be organized as follows:
- Title Page (1 page)
- Project Title
- Name, title, and contact information for Principal Investigator and Primary Researcher
- Proposal (2 pages)
- Project narrative and figures, if relevant, to explain the background and aims of the project. Proposals should be concise and practical. Include the following sections:
- Project background
- Project goals (describe the desired outcomes and potential scientific impact)
- Training goals (describe role of MSKC training and the significance of MSKC technology on your project)
- Project narrative and figures, if relevant, to explain the background and aims of the project. Proposals should be concise and practical. Include the following sections:
Proposals will be reviewed by a faculty committee for scientific merit and then assessed by MSKC personnel for feasibility under the nature of the award funds and timeframe. Final decisions on full proposals will be made by late March, 2023.
About the MSKC
The Macromolecular Structure Knowledge Center (MSKC) at Sarafan ChEM-H is a hybrid service center-research laboratory providing access to technologies and expertise to researchers carrying out biological experiments. The MSKC is located in the Sarafan ChEM-H/Neurosciences Institute Building at the crossroads between the Schools of Engineering, Medicine, and Humanities and Sciences. The MSKC is a training ground to anyone - undergrad and graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, and staff researchers - interested in protein work regardless of their scientific areas of expertise. MSKC offers an experiential learning and training program aimed at teaching the fundamentals for producing, purifying, and structurally characterizing biological macromolecules. With this call, MSKC is particularly interested in training awardees in fundamental tools and technologies within protein biology to meet the evolving needs of researchers.
Note on project timelines and budgets
On the Sarafan ChEM-H website, you will find a detailed explanation of typical timelines and average hands-on time to complete projects in the MSKC. These projects will take at least one month to complete, but typically closer to three months.
Not all projects will follow the same timeline. There are typically two expected deliverables:
- Production of the molecular sample in large quantity and at high purity
- Identifying crystallization conditions to produce crystals of the sample
Projects, on average, will require at least $15,000 to complete ($7,500 provided by the research lab and $7,500 in matching funds), with approximately $10,000 needed for step (1) and $5,000 for step (2). As resolving crystal structures can be challenging, we cannot guarantee that all projects will result in a crystal structure.
Sample information
A single protein sequence (full-length under 90 kDa mass) will be considered. If more than one protein sample per project would be required, e.g. for a multi-protein complex, it should be sufficiently justified in the proposal. A UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB) entry ID, or the amino acid sequence, and/or the protein name should be included in the proposal.
Contact: Daniel Fernandez, PhD, MSKC Director, at
Each application must identify one Principal Investigator (Stanford faculty with UTL, UML, NTLR and CE faculty appointments; Instructors; and Clinical Instructors are all eligible) and one Primary Researcher (an undergraduate student, graduate student or postdoctoral scholar, clinical or non-clinical, in a Stanford lab). PI waivers are not required for this program.
Each application submission will include the following application materials:
- Project Summary (200 words)
- A non-confidential, 200-word summary of the project, focusing on the motivation and goals of the project. This should be written with a lay audience in mind. This may be used on the Sarafan ChEM-H website or in other public-facing documents.
- Research Proposal
- Details below
- Letter of acknowledgement
- The application must include a signed letter from the Principal Investigator acknowledging that:
- They will financially support the project to at least match, and if necessary exceed, any funding provided through this opportunity.
- They will support the designated Primary Researcher in working in the MSKC for the duration of the project.
- They will supply any consumables or other supplies not readily stocked in the MSKC.
- The application must include a signed letter from the Principal Investigator acknowledging that: