Teaching with Technology Program
The Teaching with Technology (TwT) Workshop is an annual program that guides faculty and instructors through instructional design models to thoughtfully integrate digital tools, content, and pedagogies in engaging learning experiences. This year’s workshop will focus specifically on courses that are entirely online or are “flipped” with some online content or activities to help students prepare for and maximize the in-class experience.
The TwT Workshop is open to Stanford faculty and lecturers from all academic disciplines.
Teaching with Technology Workshop
The TwT Workshop events will take place as follows:
- In-person workshop: Friday, November 2 @ 12-4 pm
- Group lunch meetings: Required attendance at two of the group lunch meetings scheduled below during which participants will share ideas and their progress on their online learning modules. Locations & Topics TBD.
- Wednesday, December 5, 2018 (12-1:30 pm)
- Tuesday, January 29, 2019 (12-1:30 pm)
- Friday, February 15, 2019 (12-1:30 pm)
- Tuesday, March 19, 2019 (12-1:30 pm)
- Project showcase event: to be scheduled during Spring Quarter 2019
Applications Due: Monday October 22, 2018
Applicants should describe a course or specific learning module that will be developed or redesigned for an online learning environment during the workshop and complete the brief application form. As part of your application, your department chair will need to complete a brief support form. The deadline for submitting applications is Wednesday, October 10, 2018.
About the Teaching with Technology Workshop
During the TwT Workshop, participants will integrate technology and pedagogy to design engaging online or flipped learning experiences for their own courses. Content of the workshop will include:
- Models for thoughtfully integrating pedagogy and digital learning modalities
- Examples of innovative use of online and flipped learning environments
- Professional support and resources to develop digital media and other learning content
The TwT Workshop is facilitated by the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (VPTL) and will give participants opportunities to collaborate with VPTL staff with expertise in pedagogy, online course platforms, and digital learning tools.
Who Should Apply
The TwT Workshop is open to Stanford faculty, instructors, and graduate student co-teachers. Preference is given to those who will be teaching at least one course during AY 2018-2019. The TwT Workshop is also open to staff who manage education or learning platforms within their department or center, with faculty sponsorship. Interested applicants should be able to describe a course or specific learning module for which they would like to develop an online learning environment. Applicants are also expected to have their department chair complete a brief support form (link provided in the application). A total of up to 15 projects will be accepted into the program. We encourage both individual applicants and teaching teams to participate.
Time Commitment
Participants should expect:
- To spend approximately 20 hours before, during, and after the in-person workshop to design, develop, implement, and evaluate their project
- To participate in one group lunch meeting per winter and spring quarters, during which participants will share ideas and their progress
- To share the results of their project in a form that can be disseminated to the larger Stanford community (e.g., presentation at VPTL’s Grant Showcase, video interview, blog post)
- To collaborate with VPTL staff on their project and receive modest professional resources to develop digital media and other learning content
Modest discretionary funds are available in recognition of the significant time investment of this program. Participants who complete the entire TwT Workshop will be given $1250 in discretionary funding upon completion of the program to recognize their efforts and support the continued development of their projects. Teaching teams that include a graduate student co-teacher or co-designer can receive an additional $250 in the form of a stipend to be awarded to this student upon completion of the program.