Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research Institute (MCHRI) Transdisciplinary Initiatives Program (TIP)
Key Dates:
- Letter of Intent (LOI) Deadline: Monday, January 13, 2025 @ 11:59 PM PT (no late applications will be accepted).
- Notification of Full Proposal Invitations: Mid-February 2025
- Full Proposal Deadline (by invitation only): Monday, April 21, 2025 @ 11:59 PM PT (no late applications will be accepted)
- Award Announcement: May 2025
- Earlies Award Start Date: July 1, 2025
- Performance Period: Up to 2 years
The program is designed to foster interdisciplinary collaborations, curricular innovations, and the development of seminars and symposia. We encourage faculty from different schools to work together on these initiatives, and strongly promote collaborations between basic and physician scientists.
ADDITIONAL TIP OPPORTUNITY: Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN)
MCHRI is offering a dedicated TIP award to support research aimed at improving systems of care for children with special health care needs (CYSHCN): children who have or are at increased risk for a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition and who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally.
CYSHCN Information Session:
- November 14, 2024 from 12pm – 1pm.
- Register in advance here.
- The system of care for CYSHCN is an expansive network of services and supports from multiple systems, including physical health, developmental, behavioral, educational, financial, social service, and legal systems.
- The goal of system change is to transform how key stakeholders—families, health care providers, insurers, and government agencies—design and interact with our fragmented care system to help CYSHCN thrive. Addressing health inequities is integral to this transformation, as some CYSHCN have greater access to services and supports than others based on characteristics like their language of preference, insurance coverage, racial identity, or geographic location, and all CYSHCN have greater service needs than typically developing children. By prioritizing systemic health care inequities and the challenges families may have accessing care, we can begin to create a more inclusive and effective system that addresses disparities, empowers families, and fosters better health outcomes.
Program Focus:
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration: We strongly encourage participation from faculty in law, education, and health policy to address systemic issues and pilot innovative solutions for systems level challenges faced by CYSHCN and their families.
- System-Level Interventions: The award will support projects that aim to develop and test new models and policy improvements at the local, state or federal level.
General Eligibility:
- Eligible applicants must be Stanford faculty holding Clinician Educator (CE), University Tenure Line (UTL), Research (NTL-Research), or University Medical Line (UML) positions for the duration of the award.
- Projects must utilize a multi-PI approach, with at least two of the principal investigators from different disciplines, holding primary appointments in two different schools of the university (e.g., Graduate School of Business, Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences, Education, Engineering, Humanities & Sciences, Law and Medicine).
- Only one submission allowed per applicant, per cycle.
- Visiting scholars are not eligible to serve as PI or Co-PI on TIP, but they may serve as collaborators or sub-investigators.
- Applicants cannot currently be funded by another TIP award as the PI or Co-PI.
Eligibility and Application Requirements for CYSHCN:
Eligibility and application requirements are largely the same as the standard TIP program. However, please note that the CYSHCN TIP award must address one or more of the following focus areas, which are not mutually exclusive.
Research must specifically aim to:
- Improve care coordination systems for CYSHCN - Effective care coordination improves quality and reduces cost of care for CYSHCN by quickly connecting families of CYSHCN to needed services, facilitating communication across providers and agencies, and supporting them as caregivers.
- Develop new standards for processes or systems that impact CYSHCN – Organizations and agencies use standards as benchmarks for improving their CYSHCN services and measuring their progress in developing effective programs and systems. Standards also help hold systems accountable for meeting CYSHCN families’ needs and providing high-quality services.
- Create tools and resources to effectively engage families in improving the health care system for CYSHCN and measure the impact of their involvement – Family engagement ensures families’ voices and perspectives are at the center of policy and program development, helping to improve care quality and efficiency, remove barriers, and ultimately make it possible for CYSHCN to receive the specialized care they need.
Research must specifically aim to:
Project Requirements:
- All projects must be significantly related to the health of expectant mothers and children2. Proposals should clearly articulate how the research will advance maternal and child health, including reproductive health equity and/or access to reproductive health services.
- The proposed initiative must utilize a multi-PI approach with at least two of the lead investigators from different disciplines and different schools at Stanford. Both lead investigators are expected to make significant contributions to the research. *
- List all disciplines involved and describe their contributions, with particular emphasis on the non-SoM investigator. Indicate whether this is a new collaboration or team, or if it is an existing collaboration with a new project or research area.
*Note: If one of the lead investigators hold an appointment in the Department of Bioengineering or has a 50/50 split appointment, please confirm the investigator’s primary3 appointment and provide the appointment breakdown indicating the percentage of full-time equivalent (FTE).
Additional Criteria for CYSHCN Opportunity:
- Pre-application consultations with a Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health program officer are required. Please contact Madhavi Kuthanur ( to schedule a consultation with a program officer.
- Proposals must include family caregivers of CYSHCN in all project activities. In addition, family experts must receive appropriate compensation for their time and knowledge. This leads to equal partnership, builds capacity for diverse representation of family members, reduces barriers to participation and demonstrates the value of the parent voice in the work.
- Projects that can affect large numbers of CYSHCN and their families, build on existing knowledge, and have the potential for sustainability and replicability will be prioritized.
The following will not be considered for funding:
- disease- or condition-specific projects
- support for direct service or clinical care programs
- biomedical research or technology-based applications
Award Details:
- The total award is up to $100,000 / year for up to two years. Funding can be used for personnel (undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral students, research assistants, or associates, or faculty) and research-related expenses.
- Funds cannot be used for student tuition or fees, computer equipment, office supplies, ITCC communications, journal subscriptions, membership dues, poster presentations, abstract submissions, or any indirect research costs.