Plant-Based Diet Initiative (PBDI) 2023 Seed Funding
The Plant-Based Diet Initiative (PBDI) looks to reap the positive benefits a more plant-based, less animal-based diet has on both individuals and the environment.
Twice a year, the PBDI solicits proposals for a round of seed grants.
Applicants may request up to $25,000 in direct costs for a one-year pilot project centered around plant-based nutrition.
All Stanford faculty, fellows, and students are eligible to apply.
The PBDI’s seed grants would provide an opportunity for researchers to explore a large variety of topics, including, but not limited to, the following examples:
- The role of plant-based meat alternatives in decreasing meat consumption
- How to inspire behavioral change to improve attitudes around adopting more plant-based diets in different populations over time
- Identify specific plant-foods and their micronutrients that might expand the range of plant-based alternatives to animal-based foods (e.g., dairy)
- Study the health benefits of fiber and the effects of plant-based starch and carbohydrates on human health
- Determine how information gleaned from nutrition science research can be translated into public policy for the benefit of all
A PBDI seed grant could be a wonderful funding opportunity towards a pilot study for future research. The PBDI is especially interested in developing collaborations that are multidisciplinary and special priority will be given to applications with team members representing more than one academic discipline. Although it is possible that the PBDI will grant one awardee $25,000 for their proposal, it is more likely that several smaller proposals (e.g: requesting $2,500-$7,500) will be awarded in a given funding cycle that add up to $25,000. Thus, the number of awarded projects per cycle may vary, depending on the quality and promise of the submitted proposals, and the amount of funding requested.
We anticipate opening the applications biannually – in spring and fall.
Spring 2023 Seed Grant Timeline*
Letter of Intent due (1-2 page description of your project): Monday May 1, 2023
Shortlist notification: Monday May 8, 2023
Interviews of shortlisted applicants (Zoom): May 9-17, 2023
Full application due (3-5 pages, plus budget and justification): Monday, May 29, 2023
Award announcement: Friday June 9, 2023
*Final dates subject to change
Please email a PDF of your Letter of Intent with the following naming convention,
(where LastName is the last name of the first/primary investigator), to
by 11:59 pm Monday May 1, 2023.
Applicants are welcome to reach out to the PBDI with any questions.
Christopher Gardner (
Jennifer Robinson (
All Stanford faculty, fellows, and students are eligible to apply.
Letter of Intent due (1-2 page description of your project): Monday May 1, 2023
Shortlist notification: Monday May 8, 2023
Interviews of shortlisted applicants (Zoom): May 9-17, 2023
Full application due (3-5 pages, plus budget and justification): Monday, May 29, 2023
Award announcement: Friday June 9, 2023
*Final dates subject to change
Please email a PDF of your Letter of Intent with the following naming convention,
(where LastName is the last name of the first/primary investigator), to
by 11:59 pm, Monday May 29,2023.
1. Salaries including post docs and research staff and fringe. See DoR website for current rates:
2. Materials & Supplies (laptops)
- general lab supplies/consumables
- general office project supplies
- photo copying, printing, postage
3. Patient care costs / human subjects / incentives
4. Recruitment costs
5. Data storage costs