See maximum funding amount and funding details below
Academic Council Faculty
Medical Center Line Faculty
Applications closed
Applications closed on April 5, 2021
Stanford University’s Innovative Medicines Accelerator (IMA) aims to accelerate the prototyping of innovative medicines and vaccines, and to enable hypothesis-driven studies in human subjects. The purpose of this request for letters of intent (LOI) is to leverage capacity and infrastructure at Stanford to address unmet medical needs through human subject research. Through this solicitation, the IMA seeks to support research projects aimed at testing hypotheses in human subjects that, if validated, have the potential to pave the road to new medicines, vaccines and diagnostics or to enhanced clinical use of existing ones. Competitive projects will have a strong mechanistic basis or empirical rationale and will utilize the Stanford School of Medicine Clinical and Translational Research Unit (CTRU), where patients can be safely tested and/or treated.
All Stanford faculty with PI eligibility, including faculty in the Clinical Educator line are welcome to apply.