The Human Performance Lab (HPL), an innovation hub of the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance, is seeking applications for Innovation Projects, which support outstanding research projects to optimize health and performance for all people across the lifespan. While these awards do not provide direct funding, Innovation Projects will gain access to support from HPL staff and use of our state-of-the-art facility. These awards are designed to advance projects that aim to further our knowledge of the science of human performance. Proposals for pilot studies as well as larger projects with external funding are welcome. Faculty from all departments across the university are encouraged to apply.
Applications are due by Friday, December 17, 2021 at 5 PM PDT.
We will hold virtual office hours on Zoom to address specific questions from applicant teams about project eligibility and HPL resources. Please sign up for a meeting time here.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to email Dr. Julie Kolesar at