Our overall aim is to advance the systems immunology tool box to address global health questions using innovative technologies, novel analytical tools and by learning novel basic immunology.
To encourage and foster collaboration toward solutions for global health challenges, we are opening an opportunity for collaborative pilot awards between Stanford University and the Ragon Institute.
The Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute Interdisciplinary Scholar Awards provide funding to extraordinary postdoctoral scientists at Stanford University engaging in highly interdisciplinary research in the neurosciences broadly defined.
SCPKU offers Stanford faculty from any school or discipline an opportunity to lead a three-week graduate seminar in Beijing. Faculty decide the topic and make the final selection of student participants.
SCPKU offers team-based fellowships to Stanford faculty to spark creative, multi-disciplinary approaches to research in China focused on topics of key interest to Stanford, the U.S., and China.
The Stanford Center at Peking University (SCPKU) offers fellowships to Stanford faculty engaged in research in China, or who want to explore new opportunities or collaborations.
Stanford ChEM-H is soliciting collaborative seed grant proposals from the Stanford community of postdoctoral researchers for exploratory projects that align with the Institute’s mission.
Call for letters of intent for cancer-related proposals that have a high likelihood of leading to publications, external peer-reviewed funding, new clinical interventions and clinical trials, new intellectual property, or other measures of success.
The Precourt Institute invites proposals for research across the full range of energy sourcing, conversions, transmission and uses, as well as improve the financial, legal and regulatory environments that affect deployment of energy technologies.
The Spectrum MedTech Pilot Program funds projects involving medical devices and mobile technologies used for (1) therapeutic applications and (2) device-based patient-specific (or POC) diagnostic applications.
SGS strives to provide more pathways for students across all of the undergraduate majors to learn about issues of regional and global importance. This call for proposals aims to support faculty who wish to develop new courses to that end.
The Office of International Affairs International Research Exploration Fund provides opportunities for faculty to advance their international research goals.
GEP Faculty Seed Grants are intended to support academic opportunities for School of Engineering undergraduates that provide an immersive experience outside of the U.S., particularly in developing countries.
This call for proposals is for faculty who will be spending a quarter teaching at one of the Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP) locations during Academic Year 2020-21.
The Spectrum SPADA Pilot Program funds projects with a goal of diagnosing and/or predicting the onset, course, worsening, or complications of disease, and prolonging health.
This call for proposals aims to support innovative and interdisciplinary seed research in Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. Proposals should be for support of new, ambitious, and speculative ideas.
EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) in Switzerland and Stanford University seek applicants for short-term research exchanges between these two prestigious universities.