The Community of Shared Research Platforms (C-ShaRP) spans all scientific disciplines across Stanford’s Schools, as well as VPDoR and SLAC, and is an essential community for researchers who work at and utilize Shared Research Platforms (a.k.a. Shared Facilities) at Stanford. C-ShaRP welcomes collaborative proposals for educational efforts that leverage Stanford’s shared research facilities to enrich scientific learning journeys with hands-on experiences, facilitating research progress and promoting real-world skills to prepare scientists for successful careers at Stanford and beyond. These proposed educational efforts may include shared facilities access in support of registered academic coursework, teaching workshops using hands-on research techniques, preparation of high-quality online learning materials that support in-person experiences, and other similar efforts that benefit from shared facility participation in disseminating educational curricula and community building. All proposals should aim to provide experiential-based (hands-on) education and training through our shared research facilities to Stanford researchers, and also reach a wider community where mutually beneficial.
Experiential learning through access to Shared Research Platforms is crucial for enhancing academic courses and equipping students with practical research skills. High costs associated with accessing these resources can present a significant barrier to educational activities. To overcome this barrier, C-ShaRP Experiential Learning funding helps to subsidize expenses, enabling Stanford courses and training programs to access Shared Research Platform resources.
This funding is provided to support Shared Research Platforms staff, instrument use, and materials costs involved in the development and execution of educational experiences. It is not to be used to replace existing funding from other sources nor for existing activities pre-dating C-ShaRP.
See C-ShaRP Experiential Learning for program overview, proposal format, evaluation criteria, FAQs and more information about this opportunity.
Program priorities
Encourage a wide range of faculty members across Stanford’s campus to develop and offer new experiential learning courses for graduate and undergraduate students, or to enhance existing lecture-based courses with hands-on components, with the support of Shared Research Platforms.
Offer hands-on training opportunities to the interdisciplinary research community through the Shared Research Platforms to build a more skilled, innovative workforce ready to tackle real-world challenges.
Incorporate new instruments and technologies in experiential learning activities, especially those funded through the C-ShaRP Instrumentation & Enhancement Program.
Academic Council faculty and Medical Center Line faculty
Course instructors
Shared Research Platform staff
Proposals should be submitted on this website, following this format. The application should be concise, approximately 2 pages.
Maximum funding amount:
How can the funds be used?
This funding is provided to support staff time, instrument use, and materials costs involved in the development and execution of hands-on educational experiences at Shared Research Platforms. It is not to be used to replace existing funding from other sources nor for existing activities pre-dating C-ShaRP. Funds are intended for expenditures within the awarding fiscal year. While no guarantees of funding beyond the initial award period can be made, awardees may request up to two 1-fiscal year extensions of the funding period. Unspent funds remaining at the end of the extension period will revert to the C-ShaRP Experiential Learning funding pool to support future awards.