Funding amounts and duration may differ between topic areas. Please read RFPs and topic areas for funding amounts and duration.
Academic Council Faculty
Applications closed
Applications closed on March 13, 2020
Approximate Offer Date:
October 1st, 2020
The Precourt Institute invites proposals for seed funding of projects that, if successful, could equip investigators to obtain funding for follow-on research from other sources. Such projects inevitably involve risk; the evaluation of the proposals will attempt to balance the risk and potential impacts of a successful project. This research funding is intended to encourage faculty to move into interdisciplinary energy research that is a departure from ongoing work in their research groups.
This call from the Precourt Institute includes the Bits & Watts initiative, the Sustainable Finance Initiative, and the Stanford Hydrogen Focus Group. Topic areas of interest are:
I. Precourt Institute for Energy (up to $150,000)
All Energy Areas
Carbon Management
II. Bits & Watts (up to $200,000)
General Grid Area
Resilient and Secure Interdependent Systems
Electrification of Transportation
Future Electricity Business Ecosystem
III. Sustainable Finance Initiative (up to $150,000
Risk Metrics and Management
Stranded Assets
Restructuring Legacy Systems.
For more details on topic areas and to submit your letter of intent in any of the above areas, click here.
IV. Stanford Hydrogen Focus Group (up to $75,000
Hydrogen generation, hydrogen storage & distribution, or hydrogen utilization.
For more details and to submit your letter of intent in the hydrogen area, click here.
Program priorities
energy research
departure from ongoing work in your research group
interdisciplinary research
equip investigators to obtain funding for follow-on research from other sources
Stanford faculty
Participate in the annual Precourt seed projects workshop in the Fall (October 1, 2020). Submit annual and interim reports on your work that summarize research findings, publications, etc.
Maximum funding amount:
How can the funds be used?
The source of funding for Precourt funded projects is gift funds; therefore, no project may charge indirect costs, even if non-Stanford investigators would complete some part of the project. The budget should include direct costs plus the university infrastructure burden of 8%. Awarded projects will be funded through a newly created and designated PTA(s) less the 8% infrastructure charge; the infrastructure charge for the award will be paid directly by The Precourt Institute. Budgets should identify the level of effort committed to the project. Principal Investigator (PI) effort is not required on University Research awards. Follow-up funding in subsequent years is not anticipated. For Bits & Watts and the Stanford Hydrogen Focus Group, source of funding is Indutrial Affiliates.